fashion, music && alot of dopee stuff ;) [LET'S START A RIOT] ;))

--im cooler than yuur AVERAGE, that must mean im flyer than the chick next to you ;P

Friday, April 9, 2010

--you dont need that !.

Shirt: Old Navy
Cardigan: Wal-mart
Jeans: Gap [made by me]
Shoes: Adidas 'Top 10'

Thursday, April 8, 2010

--No not me....her <---

Shirt: Vintage "Garbage Pail Kids" [Urban Outfitters]
Jeans: Light gray skinnys [JC Penny's]<---dont really like to shop there that often
Shoes: Jordan 60+

--create me !.

--these here you see, i've had since the freakin 7th grade !. && i know yuur probably thinkn "u've had the same shoe size since 7th grade" nd yes i have, its crazy. lolxz. . .i HATE to throw shoes away, so i re-created them a while ago. . .&& i put my own personal spin on them. . .plus chucks are perfect wen their dirty nd written all over. ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

--Wutever you want;)

--these are Nike Trainer Ferrari Murakami SB's. made by Ferrari Murakami, he is IBN Jasper who is Kanye West’s personal barber and fashion consultant. There are only two of these worldwide and only one in the United States. . .WOOOOWWW !.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

-&& i swear i love you so much, i dont want you sucking it.

-apparently Dom Kennedy wish he wudve received a better review for his new mixtape From the Westside wth Love. It seems the people at XXL thought that his cd should have only recieved a "L".
Here's alittle bit of what XXL thinks of his mixtape:
Still relatively new to the game, Kennedy begins by reintroducing himself. On the low-key intro, “In Memory Of,” he breaks down his rap persona and loftily compares his style to hip-hop royalty. “I don’t know a nigga that could scribe like this,” he raps, “and you ain’t probably heard nothin’ since Tribe like this.” On the sparsely-produced “1997,” he recalls his first drink, his first love and, most importantly, the first time he realized he had skills on the mic.
Unfortunately, towards the middle of the mixtape, Kennedy gets a little too infatuated with the idea of catering to female listeners. [courtesy of XXL]
to read the rest, here's the link--->
Personally, i love this mixtape, i also think it is a classic. it has such a new flavor, like something i havent heard from anyone. and his Cali accent is sexy ;). . .
You can find the video of what Dom Kennedy thought his self of this review the video can be found at this link
In this video i agree completely with Dom. people who visit XXL on the regular is going to see this review and they shouldnt judge Dom off of what "ONE" opinion that was stated, they should take a listen for themselves.

.my dear lady !.

--i've been wanting this necklace for a long time. i tried looking for it at the forver 21 store at Stonecrest, but some things that are online arent avaliable in stores lol. && i have no idea who this lady is, but it looks cool on the necklalce. Avaliable for $5.80.

--i adore this necklace !. Its very vintage as well as elegant at the same time. its avaliable at on the jewlery section for $14.80.

-.just some thoughts i had

--.everything feels different. things have changed. idk, how to go about this. all i can say is, i wish things were back to the way they were, but when i try to get it back there, nuthn happens. im not mad or sad im just. . .STUCK !. . .carelessness <--[dnt remeber if thts a word or not. lol], but carelessness doesnt feel to gud && neither does hopelessness. . .things that are running through my mind, i dont want them to be true, but they just mite be. Im tired of talkin about it and repeating myself to solve this "situation" so i'll sit quietly until its my turn. Until then i'll just . . . .find sumthn else to do. lol.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

alligator ;)

--this SB is freakin RIDICULOUSLY hot !. just released this month with a series of other SB's, i thought this one was the hottest out of all of them !.
Check it out a