fashion, music && alot of dopee stuff ;) [LET'S START A RIOT] ;))

--im cooler than yuur AVERAGE, that must mean im flyer than the chick next to you ;P

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Captain K'nuckles: Flapjack!Hey, Flapjack! Come with me, we'll go see a place called Candied Island!

Bubbie: Who needs Candied Island? It's safer at the docks.

Captain K'nuckles: But there ain't no streams of sodie pop to drippin' off the rocks.

Bubbie:It's dangerous and risky!

Captain K'nuckles: But adventerous and free!

Flapjack: Adventure - that's the life for me

Captain K'nuckles: There's lollipop trees and a lemonade sea!Bubbie: Doesn't sound very good to me.
Others: The misadventures of...Flapjack: ... Flapjack!
--I love this show !. ;)

Hey, you wanna see sumthn !

-this is a fashion collage i created last school semester from all different types of magazines that i like. This was supposed to be used in my senior project that i had to present, but i ened up not presenting to i just used it to hang on my wall since i lovee it so much ;). . .&& here are some other cool things that are hanging on my wall in my room that really fits with who i am.
-i am a HUGE fan of Paramore so i had to hang this poster on my wall i got from an magazine. The lead singer Hayley Williams seems like a really cool chick && i love love love here style !.

-this is a banner i made one day when i was felling a little creative && bored. its my name surrounded by the types of things i like.

-this is a potrait of me that one of friends did. I really feel in love with it, i think im one of the most hardest people to draw simply becasue I look weird lol.

Cleaning is gud for the soul!

-So i took the liberty of FINALLY cleaning my closet that was dirty for like a month !. && i even found some thing that i was looking for since......FOREVER !. lol. I cudnt really clean the top all that much. . .maybe another time lol.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Here's Johnny !.

-So after I seen Tyga rockin this clothing, I just had to found out the website for this line. It's Johnny Cupcakes. I think these shirt are fresh, i wudne mind coppin thes ;)

Nig*a fa wut ?!? [my fav line of the song]

-Okay, so im likee currently in love with the dude Curren$y rite now. . .this song && video is like mad dope and it got a smooth vibe to it !. Creative Control is a fly movement thats going on rite now!. oh yeaa and Stalley. . . .yeaa i dont know, i guess i gotta warm up to him a little bit, lol. <---here is the link for the song/video.

I lovee !.

I need this shirt !. . .I saw this at Urban outfitters for $24. I was broke at the time because I spent all my money on shoes ;P. . .but I went to the $10 shirt section and bought those instead, lol, their dope though.,price&navCount=672&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=M_APP_TEESSHORT&popId=M_TOPS&prepushId=&selectedProductSize=
You can purchase it here.

P.S. penguins are my fav animals.

First timer ;)

This is my VERY first post && im excited!. i've always wanted to have my own fashion/music blog. . .so here it is, hope you enjoy ;)

sign: Marissa [xoxo]