fashion, music && alot of dopee stuff ;) [LET'S START A RIOT] ;))

--im cooler than yuur AVERAGE, that must mean im flyer than the chick next to you ;P

Saturday, May 15, 2010

just some info i'd like to share ;)

Well I came up with the idea of having a "Person of the Week" thing. So every week imma pick a favorite person, that i like and post them. It will be anyone from celebrities to best friends to relatives, just anybody who i find to be super dope for sum reason or someone that im really feeling at the moment. I will also post some facts about this person too and the reason why i chose them. So, someone will be posted tommorrow. Who knows who it is yet. ;)

A girl && her old dog !.

wellll, thts my "used" to be dog Dollar. We had to give him away a while ago nd i came across this pic and decided to post this. We had to give him away bcuz the apartments we live in don't allow dogs. We used to snick and keep him in the house and only take him to use the restroom EARLY in the morning when it was dark so no one wud see him, then late at nite. But he was finally seen ;( nd we had to give him up !. So, yeaa. . .Dollar was my homie [only somtimes wen he wasn't acting stank !. lol]

--Like mother, like daughter ;)

I love going places with my mom. Especially, when there are clothes around lol. I love to help her shop. . .i like giving her fashion advise and tell her what goes with what, and what would go best with certain items. Her style is a little more simpler than mines. She likes plain color shirts or stripes, but I like vintage things and graphic t-shirts. It jus goes to show that two different minds with two totally different fashion taste can work togehter ;). . .I love my mommy.

Another one.

Im feeling these. The color scheme is original && creative. Jeremy Scott is a genius ;)

Other than Ciara I've only seen Kelis wear these Jeremy Scott "Mickey Mouse" Adidas. I like her whole outfit ;) That jacket is killer.

-sumthn dug up from sum old mail. . .

I found this old pic from last semester in my e-mail. . .man, i look dope. I was suppose to be in the school library presenting my senior project, but being the thug that i am, i made a choice not to present && i still passed the class with a high grade !. my best friend Sharneice took this photo. I love this look ;)

Ring- Charlotte Russe
Cardigan- MaxRave
Shirt- MaxRave
Hat- my friend Kariga's
Scarf- MaxRave
Glasses- Dollar store [i poked the lenses out of them lol]

Friday, May 14, 2010

such a gud gift :))

Ahhhhhhhhhh, i love life ;))

--let's hit the slopes ;)

Never knew this !. but I had no i dea these came in this many colors !. . .the only ones i've ever seen were the ones Pharrell has, withe the colorful graphics on them. . .but i found more, nd there's probably many more color schemes out there. . .i just havent found them yet !. lol.

"Nike Zoom force 1 Snowboarding boots"

I like these. . .there pretty dope, i would wear these. . .makes me wanna go out and learn how to snowboard ;) lol [wudnt be a gud look though. lmfao]

--thugs i role with !.

So, in 2nd period chemistry. . .it was kinda cool, no work or nothing cuz our teacher was busy grading some last minute papers so she wasnt teaching, plus its basically the end of the school year. . .we had nothing else to do so we just decided to take pitures. . && it was Achanti's bday...........................&& this is how they turnt out:

Yeaaaa, we gets it in !. . .i love these guys [ Ekene, Achanti, Chantaal, Matt && Ann Ann]

Ekene- in the pink shirt with the tongue ring
Achanti- with the pretty make-up nd curls [her bday]
Ann Ann- ponytail colar shirt
Matt- white boy [lol]
Chantaal- red shirt

Thursday, May 13, 2010


-This is kinda like a list of things i really want for the summer. . .my graduation money needs to start coming in quick so i can get these "necessities" lolxz. my parents are tired of feeding me so much money, sooooo, i guess i have to buy these things on my own ;(. . .my mom says i don't really need anymore things cuz i have more than enough, but. . .you know, thats such a mom statement !. lolxz. . .

--im cold ?!?. .nah, i think yuur colder than me ;)

Summer 2010 "Ripstop" Nike dunks. . .its a very nice simple shoe. Im addicted to nike dunks, but i perfer the lowtops myself. . .but im not discriminating ;)

--the times i wish i cud surpass this !.

Reach for the sky && do yuur best !. thts wut my mom says. . .but these are the days im thankful for my friends. . .i wud name them all but tht'll take awhile !. lolxz [lazy]. u know how people say everyone has an inspiration for something ?!?. . .well thts not always true. . .im not inspired by anyone. . .no relative, friend, boyfriend. . .not anythn !. I wanna make it out in the world but, idk yet. things are going by pretty fast, nd it seems like things cud change, but if things do change, i guess i gotta change rite along with them rite ?!?. . .nah, i try not to get attached to certain things like. . .people. People can come and go. If i was to get attached, letting go wud be difficult, so to make life more easier for myself, i just go with the flow of things but always keep distance at a certain level. . . . . . . .so where do i go from here ?!?. . .wut will the future be like ?!?. who knows, but im not scared to find out, cuz im unattached to evryhn.

--where you looking. . .where u been !.

Sooooooooo !. wuts up, its been forever but i've been dealing with a whole bunch of SCHOOL STUFF, PROM STUFF [which passed] && finally GRADUATION!. . .graduation is next saturday and i can't wait. . .my school work is coming together, but im just glad i passed my online class with a barely passing grade [70] cuz i thought for sure i was gonna fail, but a few calls nd letters convinvced the teacher to pass me and i had really BIG help from Lauric, Bryan and Kenneth (thx guys ;) ), so im happy for that ;). . .so for now there is no more worries. . .until finals !. for math we have a take home final which is SUPER MONSTROUS. . .but im pretty sure i'll pass that. . .uhhh, well im outtie. . .
SIGNED: cooler than yuur average ;P