fashion, music && alot of dopee stuff ;) [LET'S START A RIOT] ;))

--im cooler than yuur AVERAGE, that must mean im flyer than the chick next to you ;P

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

-.just some thoughts i had

--.everything feels different. things have changed. idk, how to go about this. all i can say is, i wish things were back to the way they were, but when i try to get it back there, nuthn happens. im not mad or sad im just. . .STUCK !. . .carelessness <--[dnt remeber if thts a word or not. lol], but carelessness doesnt feel to gud && neither does hopelessness. . .things that are running through my mind, i dont want them to be true, but they just mite be. Im tired of talkin about it and repeating myself to solve this "situation" so i'll sit quietly until its my turn. Until then i'll just . . . .find sumthn else to do. lol.

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