fashion, music && alot of dopee stuff ;) [LET'S START A RIOT] ;))

--im cooler than yuur AVERAGE, that must mean im flyer than the chick next to you ;P

Thursday, May 13, 2010

--the times i wish i cud surpass this !.

Reach for the sky && do yuur best !. thts wut my mom says. . .but these are the days im thankful for my friends. . .i wud name them all but tht'll take awhile !. lolxz [lazy]. u know how people say everyone has an inspiration for something ?!?. . .well thts not always true. . .im not inspired by anyone. . .no relative, friend, boyfriend. . .not anythn !. I wanna make it out in the world but, idk yet. things are going by pretty fast, nd it seems like things cud change, but if things do change, i guess i gotta change rite along with them rite ?!?. . .nah, i try not to get attached to certain things like. . .people. People can come and go. If i was to get attached, letting go wud be difficult, so to make life more easier for myself, i just go with the flow of things but always keep distance at a certain level. . . . . . . .so where do i go from here ?!?. . .wut will the future be like ?!?. who knows, but im not scared to find out, cuz im unattached to evryhn.

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